An etiquette question was brought to Miss Manners about regifting a beautiful and expensive gift that the recipient has no use for. The individual wants to pass the gift on to a friend who would appreciate it, but is concerned about hurting the feelings of the original giver. Miss Manners advises against regifting in this situation, as the risk of getting caught is high, especially since both friends are in the same inner circle. She suggests finding a different recipient, preferably someone who lives far away to avoid any potential awkwardness.
Regifting can be a tricky subject, and it is important to consider the feelings of the original giver. Miss Manners’ advice is to handle regifting with care and avoid any potential hurt or embarrassment. If unsure about the proper etiquette on regifting, it is always best to err on the side of caution to prevent any awkward situations. Readers are encouraged to send their etiquette questions to Miss Manners through various channels such as her website, email, or postal mail for further advice and guidance on proper social conduct.
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